Welcome to the Industry Measurement Group website.
Our main goal is to provide support, resources and an engaging community for our members. This simple yet effective approach has fueled our growth since forming in 2003, and will continue to do so for years down the road. Browse through our site to discover what we’re all about. The Industry Measurement Group is part of the Canadian Institute of Hydrocarbon Measurement.
Next Meeting - Tuesday January 14, 2025 9:00 am
Location: The Bow - 54th Floor
Theme: Quality
Networking and Coffee at 8:30 am
More information to follow.
Fundamentals of Hydrocarbon Measurement Courses
The Canadian Institute of Hydrocarbon Measurement has two fundamental hydrocarbon measurement programs to offer. Click here to view details.
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About The Canadian Institute of Hydrocarbon Measurement
The IMG is a part of a larger organization called the Canadian Institute of Hydrocarbon Measurement.. Read more
The Industry Measurement Group (IMG) was formed in 1999 by individuals from four companies (Crestar, Gulf, Petro-Canada, and Gulf Midstream/Kenonic Controls)...Read more
EPAP Stakeholder Committee
Crude Quality
Periodic Updates from Regulatory
Heavy Oil Thermal